CSOB, The Czech Bank From KBC Group Financing Terrorism and Providing Money Laundering Services
Aleš Blažek, CSOB's Chairman of the Board of Directors, CSOB's Chief Executive Officer
Ján Lučan, CSOB's Member of the Board of Directors, Senior Executive officer, Relationship Services
Petr Hutla, CSOB's Member of the Board of Directors, Senior Executive Officer, Credits Management
Jiří Vévoda, CSOB's Member of the Board of Directors, Senior Executive Officer, Finance Management
Tom Blanckaert, CSOB's Member of the Board of Directors, Senior Executive officer, Group Risk Management
Michaela Bauer, CSOB's Member of the Board of Directors, Chief Innovation Officer for KBC Group in the Czech Republic
Martin Jarolím, CSOB's Member of the Board of Directors, Senior Executive Officer, Retail,
Kateřina Zemanová, CSOB's employee having organized most of criminal offence including spying;
CSOB Headquaters, Building ČSOB, Radlická 333/150, 150 57 Praha 5, Czech Republic
Československá obchodní banka, a. s., IČO: 00001350
AND AGAINST, for their active and passive complicities :
the Board of Directors members of KBC Head Office, Havenlaan 2, 1080, Brussels, Belgium
Koenraad Debackere, Chairman of the Board of Directors of KBC Group,
Philippe Vlerick, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of KBC Group, CEO Vlerick Group,
Johan Thijs, CEO KBC Group
For (non exhaustive list) :
Extortion Under Blackmail And Retaliation Of Confidential Information And Documents For Espionage On Behalf Of International Criminal And Terrorist Organizations Which Are CSOB/KBC”s Clients, Violations Of European and U.S. Sanctions, Breaches Of European And American Security, Fraud Under Blackmail, Fraud, Falsification Of Bank Documents For The Purpose Of Concealing Bank Frauds Committed By Bank Officials, False Bank Statements, Non-Existence Of A Legal Financial Contract, Deceptions, Defamation, Abuse Of False Rights, Violation Of Company Secrecy And Confidentiality, Violation Of Personal Data Rights And Protections, Money Laundering,
Abusing Illegal Behaviour In Order To Extort Confidential Information, Abuse Of Legal Right And Of Process By Deceiving Law Interpretation For Their Own Benefit, Extortion Of Confidential Information By Blackmail, Threat, False Declaration And Embezzlement Of Funds; Extortion Of Confidential Information On The Purpose Of Spying For Some Foreign Entities Including Terrorist Ones; Criminal Behaviour On The Purpose To Hide The Criminal Activities Of Some Of Their Clients By Diverting The Attention Of Authorities; Financial Service To Divert Sanctions;
Frauds By Csob's Responsible People By Mentioning A False Address In Czech Republic In Order To Hide Their Fraud Of Opening A Non Authorized Personal Bank Account;
Frauds By Csob's Responsible People By Having Opened A Personal Bank Account For A Non Czech Citizen/ Resident;
Frauds By Csob's Responsible People By Not Having Warned The Client Of Their Fraudulent Behaviour;
Misappropriation Of Personal Funds In Amounts Of 68.475,84 €uros And 17.320,62 Czk
Damages Claim € 20,000,000 (twenty million euros).
I, undersigned Laurent GRANIER, file the present criminal complaint against the above mentioned CSOB's people and KBC's people.
For information, one of my professional activities is to provide Real Intelligence Services via mt international company “Square-Biz”.
Square-Biz is a kind of Private Intelligence Services, but in a true different way than people are used to know.
We provide an “Intelligence” service in the true sense of the term.
“Intelligence” is not used by us for nothing else than “Smartness”.
So, our “Intelligence Services” are not named by us for spying, but in its original definition of “Adaptation”, under 4 ways:
The ability and the skills to know where to look at,
The ability and the skills to know how to get the right and useful information among numerous ones,
The ability and the skills to know how to understand, to analyse and to link them,
The ability and the skills to know how to use them the most efficiently to target a change of the coming next future.
We collect, grab, trade, deal, sensitive information which are forgotten, ignored, or despised, like certain details which seem being insignificant and harmless.
This, in any field like politics, economic, legal, finance, defence, social, media, etc.
And according to these information, We provide in addition, some specific services that We call “Environ-Mental Profiling”.
It is NOT about psychic skill, but intuitive analysis and reasoning.
It is like the work of a “profiler” in crime investigations, but, instead to define mainly the mind profile of a criminal and the past, We do it about past, present and future, and about a full environment (related and unrelated situations, people, aims, actions, involvements, financial, political, legal, military and/or economic statements, etc.).
From this, We are able to analyse what is really going on by understanding the real final purpose of some behaviour, by understanding the strategy used to reach this goal, and so, to We are able to understand what is really coming next, and so, from this statement, We are able to elaborate a full strategy to change the future of this situation in a better way, fitting the aim of our “client”.
In short, We are able to forecast some crucial delicate situations, by being aware of some sensitive points of weakness of some people, as by determining some of their hidden “criminal” acts or offences, and this, for whom, and for what. Knowledge is Power.
We provide these specific services to some countries, governments, agencies, Defence departments, and companies which are already in a delicate situation at the current time, or which will be in, in the coming future...
We don't ask any sensitive information from the client.
We provide to the latter an intelligent unusual way of thinking and reasoning.
Our offer is to rent them out a “Brain”, a “Master Mind”.
When We have a ready-made solution, it is because We have already elaborated the means to apply it for the best benefits of the potential client, meaning We have already the knowledge of some sensitive information that even secret services cannot have, or at least, in full, and so, are unable to understand and to use them appropriately and efficiently in order to be able to build a multiple global strategy according to a global realistic futuristic point of view. So, We don't compete usual “Intelligence Services” (spying), We are complementary, rather aside, since We are not in the same category...
Our reports are read by some main agencies like CIA, FSB, Mossad, and by some key people like V. Putin, D. Trump, and others.
This preamble is to express the necessary motivation of some CSOB's responsible people and some KBC's responsible people to make me be quiet on their international criminal activities...
History of the CSOB and KBC Bank present Criminal Case
I opened a personal bank account at the CSOB's agency in Breclav, Czech republic, the 16th of May 2022.
CSOB's employee did it despite I've never been Czech, nor Czech citizen, nor resident in Czech Republic, thus, one necessary condition by Law I did not know at this time.
I never lived in Czech Republic, I never had a personal address in Czech Republic, nor any Czech utility bills, I never owned nor rented any real estate property in Czech Republic, I never had a personal Czech tax number, nor a Czech social security number, nor a Czech ID.
I used of course this account for personal purposes, with all my personal money whose source is more than clear since being the product of a real estate sale in France that belonged to me at 100% and for which I had no funding. Money which have been cleared by French tax authorities.
Since this date of May 16, 2022, I have spent amounts, sometimes of a few tens of thousands of euros, this only by SEPA bank transfers, therefore, identified and identifiable professional beneficiaries for real purchases since all of them are within the European Community, via banks regulated by the latter.
I have never received any notification of anything from any CSOB's people, nor from any Czech authorities, nor from any European authorities.
This, for almost 10 months.
At the beginning of 2023, when I was in Praha, I decided to move my personal account to an agency in Praha for convenience.
I never received from CSOB any specific information or warning about the illegality of my personal bank account, of course because the criminal fault has been committed on purpose by them...
But, from officially the 05th of March 2023, the CSOB's underling employee Kateřina Zemanová, started to make retaliations to me for none legal reason but to take advantage of a blackmail towards me in order to get confidential information for some of their clients which are international criminal and terrorist organizations, since she knew that I was registered at NATO and at U.N. as potential supplier and service provider. Her goal was also to embezzle my personal funds, by hiding her frauds of making false declaration, of editing fake information and document (for example, she mentioned a wrong address about me on purpose...).
Facing this weird behaviour, I started to check the Czech law, and I discovered that CSOB's people was hiding from me the fact that they infringed the law on purpose and in full knowledge by having opened a personal bank account, making me understand so, that they were trying to cover up their frauds, and so, to make me be quiet since I was asking them some embarrassing questions about ...
indeed, in addition, CSOB's people misled me, they deceived me on purpose.
It is for this reason that, illegally and fraudulently, in order to cover up their fraud about, Kateřina Zemanová did a false document, an abusive illegitimate request of confidential information, by mentioning a false address in Czech Republic about me, instead of the right one which is abroad...
The 05th of April 2023, suddenly, without reason, explanation or justification, under an alleged “Act” (No. 253/2008 on some measures against the legalization of the proceeds of crime and the financing of terrorism) whose origin, issuer and authority are not identified by Kateřina Zemanová, head of the bank, sends me a strange and insulting request for sensitive and confidential information, with a very short ultimatum of 3 days to respond, to provide evidence of some expenses.
This request, which is rather an order, is named «Transactions details id.24791047».
It concerns only 3 receipts and 4 expenses that dated for some, more than 6 months ago...
In addition of being insulting and defamatory since Kateřina Zemanová's dares to state without any clue an inappropriate and unjustifiable title of “Crime And Terrorist Financing” about my case, I found Kateřina Zemanová's approach quite suspicious at first because her “request” was sent only by email, and only to one of my email addresses, which is not the one registered as the main one.
Moreover, her abusive request was not present in the form of a message in the «Inbox» of my online account, whereas this type of high-confidential communication must be rigorously and exclusively made via a secure way, therefore via the messaging of the online bank.
This being their usual way of communication.
Indeed, I never received any mail by post... For sure, Kateřina Zemanová never sent anything by post mail for a good reason, because she knew that the mentioned address concerning me was false, and this because it was deliberately created by herself...
Kateřina Zemanová's behaviour and step were much more suspicious since her unprofessional and illegal abusive request was not edited in «pdf» format, but in «docx» format, containing dubious internet links, but also and especially a virus...
Kateřina Zemanová asks in a peremptory way, like she would dare to think about herself that she is not a communist/soviet rat's shit, some confidential information not only about me, but also about some third parties she had no right to ask about.
This, aside the point that all professionals I paid were located in European Community, thus using SEPA. So, information on third parties about which, on the one hand I have no right to disclose to anybody, and let alone to unknown and unidentified persons and entities, let alone private ones, and on the other hand, none person of KBC Group and CSOB Bank are allowed by law and has the right to collect, to know and to hold since these third parties have not signed any agreement, approval or authorization with the latter regarding their personal data, moreover in a situation where these third parties had even not been informed of this specific process legislated by strict European Laws.
These kinds of personal information are only for official authorities, not for private companies which could use them for themselves, for some of their clients, for spying, threatening and blackmailing !
Otherwise, in the Kateřina Zemanová's abusive and illegal request, there was none legal mention of alternative way for me, in case of my refusal to comply with her dictatorial orders, and whatever they could be, some confidential information do emanate from the private domain and not from a legal, public and official authority, since the secrecy and the privacy of personal and even of company are protected by some specific in some countries, including European ones.
It is interesting to notice the crucial point expressing their aim to blackmail me with the embezzlement of my own money in exchange of my silence about their criminal offences, by the fact that Kateřina Zemanová, CSOB's responsible people and KBC's responsible people infringed again Czech and European Laws by never informing any authority about my refusal to comply to their abusive dictatorial order, about which they dare to claim acting by a mandatory law.
So, as I did not comply with her abusive and illegal orders, Kateřina Zemanová, employee of CSOB for KBC, did perform unlawful retaliatory measures against me, by diverting on the 27th of April 2023 all my money, meaning the amount of € 68,475.84 from my personal account CZ7603000000000308170436 and Czk 17,320,62 from CZ0203000000000308170604, this, by infringing the European laws, local, international, civil, criminal and financial ones, without any warning, without any justification, without any explanation, without any notification of any kind, and of course, without any information about how to recover my money.
Worse, the money that arrived after that date suffered the same fate of embezzlement.
I've had the knowledge of this criminal situation only by myself, by consulting my online account, after to have faced the situation that my bank cards were refused for payment.
The 2 accounts remained still open, showing a zero balance, while the bank cards were blocked.
No reason, no explanation, no justification, no warning, and no notification of any kind, was sent to me, whether by email, or by message in the «Inbox» of the online account, or even by sms.
Worse, after I sent to CSOB's and KBC's responsible people, and especially Kateřina Zemanová, several formal notices requesting an explanation of this abusive and illegal situation, both by email and in internal messaging via access to my online account, and even by certified post mail, nobody did reply, did provide any legal communication or information about...
Only Radio Silence.
My formal notices mentioned the list of their criminal facts and the illegality of the situation, expressing that if I categorically refused to provide them any confidential information as well about me as about the third parties, I ordered them to declare my refusal to the European authorities, and even to the American authorities, in order for the latter to get in touch with me, and in this case only, I would provide them what they would consider necessary.
Indeed, I formally informed them that I would communicate all information only to official authorities, whatever they could be, and certainly never to a company in a so-called former, Soviet state, which is naturally corrupted, still linked to and spying for Russia. I would never provide, let alone, to a dishonest company like KBC Group which provides illegal banking services as money laundering and diverting of international sanctions to some of its clients as some international criminal and/or terrorist organizations. This, knowing that CSOB and KBC are involved in arms trafficking and human trafficking (already historically by KBC within the apartheid era in South Africa), and in financial monkey businesses under stock exchange infringements by some specific inside trading. This cheating is performed, on the one hand, by concealing some crucial information, and on the other hand, by lying by omission to shareholders and to potential external investors, via their vicious advises on the coming next stock markets value variations...
May 2023, because CSOB's responsible people told me to do so in order to get answers from them, I travelled especially to Praha to meet Jana Blizilova, a representative of CSOB for my accounts. I had an appointment the 10th of May 2023 at 15:30 at her office of their agency located at Andel – 150 00Praha 5, Lidicka 66/43. The purpose of our meeting was for her, to update my data for the real ones, a process that, strangely, I could not do online, and, above all, to provide me all information about my blocked money, this in order to solve this mess, to close my accounts, and to get my money back.
But instead of her, strangely, the appointment has been switched to Josef Blizil.
He was unable to answer any question nor to do anything on my account, even to update my ID and my address. On his computer screen, it was forbidden to do anything but to call the CSOB's HQ.
So, he called the latter and he was surprised to receive the order to do nothing.
Indeed, I travelled to Praha, spending time, energy and money, for nothing, but to be taken for a sucker.
I recorded this weird meeting...
It is important to note for the understanding of this global international criminal case, that the two crucial dates, the 05th of April 2023 and the 27th of April 2023, in which these illegal undertakings have been performed by Kateřina Zemanová against me, do coincide with some important facts on my side.
Among other things, I informed some European and US administrations and agencies, by questioning rhetorically about the infiltration of Russia within some European institutions, and especially within NATO. Mentioning so that this undertaking of espionage at a big scale, was successfully performed thanks to the collaboration, or rather, the high treason of the double-dealer European country, Czech Republic, and precisely, its government's and administrations' people...
Indeed, the link with CSOB's people is obvious...
As important information, few days before the 05th of April 23, I had been at this CSOB agency in Praha 5, and had mentioned in the discussion with the employee, Jana Blizilova, the fact that I was registered at NATO as service supplier, and that I had the knowledge of dirty situations of corruptions and of espionage by Russia within this institution and the European administrations, thanks to some European countries and companies...
And as the Belgian group KBC is held underground by Russians, it is clear that KBC's and CSOB's responsible people had to undertake some retaliations, threats and blackmails against me, as usual with the jerks' manners ensured of full impunity typically Soviet...
Otherwise, strangely, the abusive request of confidential information made by Kateřina Zemanová, has been sent the 05th of April 2023, the day I filed a criminal complaint at the Belgium Bench in Brussels against Russia...Brussels, the seat's city address of KBC's Group, sole owner of CSOB...
The words of KBC Group about themselves.
“ČSOB is a 100% subsidiary of KBC Bank NV. The sole shareholder of KBC Bank is KBC Group NV. KBC Bank and KBC Group have their registered offices at the address: Havenlaan 2, B-1080 Brussels (Sint-Jans Molenbeek), Belgium.
KBC Group is an integrated bank-insurance group catering mainly for retail, private banking, SME and mid-cap clients. Geographically, KBC focuses on core markets of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Ireland. KBC has a limited presence elsewhere, primarily to support corporate clients from the core markets. As of the end of 2017, the KBC group served 11 million clients in its home markets, and employed approximately 42,000 employees, roughly half of which in Central and Eastern Europe.
Effective 1 January 2013, KBC Group has organized its operations in key markets into three business divisions: Belgium, Czech Republic and International Markets. The Czech Republic division includes all of KBC Group’s business operations in the Czech Republic.
The strategy and general policy of our group are defined by the Board of Directors, which decides among other things the level of risk exposure.
The Management Committee is responsible for the operational management of the group, within the limits of the general strategy set by the Board of Directors.
To fulfil its financial and risk management responsibilities, the Management Committee has appointed a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and a Chief Risk Officer (CRO).
ČSOB is a wholly owned subsidiary of KBC Bank NV.
The sole shareholder of KBC Bank is KBC Group AG. KBC Bank and KBC Group are headquartered in Havenlaan 2, B-1080 Brussels (Sint-Jans Molenbeek), Belgium.
The Czech Republic division includes all of KBC Group’s business activities in the Czech Republic.”
The legal structure of the group consists mainly of KBC Group AG, which oversees two large companies: KBC Bank AG and KBC Insurance AG. Each of these companies has several subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries.”
So, it is undeniable that the managers of “KBC Group” are the originators and the beneficiaries of any action in all countries where this company is present, and consequently, they are the only legal and judicial responsible for the criminal offences committed in the name of their company and their branches.
Nota Bene :
CSOB Slovakia is doing business with criminal organizations (mafia) and Russia, CSOB Czechia managing CSOB Slovakia...
Otherwise, CSOB Czechia succeeded to get an exclusive abusive deal thanks to political and internal corruption, with Czech Post, by being present inside all post offices. This weird situation expresses the criminal offence of fraud leading to an unfair competition by a commercial inequity regarding to the award of public contracts. A kind fraudulent arrangement offered to CSOB under the former Czech government which ran exclusively for Russia, and against Europe and NATO, like the little comrade Slovenia does, including corruption within administrations and justice system... This kind of partnership and arrangement of corruption and of espionage does remain within those European countries despite the change of governments by democratic election, since the key civil servants do remain the same ones at the same posts...
Thus, I, undersigned Laurent GRANIER, born on December 27, 1964 in Béziers (France), in my name and on behalf of my companies, including Square-BIZ, hereby file this criminal complaint against all KBC Group's and CSOB's official responsible people, identified and not yet identified, involved in all criminal offences they committed against me, namely :
Aleš Blažek, CSOB's Chairman of the Board of Directors, CSOB's Chief Executive Officer;
Ján Lučan, CSOB's Member of the Board of Directors, Senior Executive officer, Relationship Services
Petr Hutla, CSOB's Member of the Board of Directors, Senior Executive Officer, Credits Management
Jiří Vévoda, CSOB's Member of the Board of Directors, Senior Executive Officer, Finance Management;
Tom Blanckaert, CSOB's Member of the Board of Directors, Senior Executive officer, Group Risk Management;
Michaela Bauer, CSOB's Member of the Board of Directors, Chief Innovation Officer for KBC Group in the Czech Republic;
Martin Jarolím, CSOB's Member of the Board of Directors, Senior Executive Officer, Retail;
Kateřina Zemanová, CSOB's employee having organized most of criminal offence including spying;
Koenraad Debackere, Chairman of the Board of Directors of KBC Group;
Philippe Vlerick, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of KBC Group, CEO Vlerick Group;
Johan Thijs, CEO KBC Group
Extortion Under Blackmail And Retaliation Of Confidential Information And Documents For Espionage On Behalf Of International Criminal And Terrorist Organizations Which Are CSOB/KBC”s Clients, Violations Of European and U.S. Sanctions, Breaches Of European And American Security, Fraud Under Blackmail, Fraud, Falsification Of Bank Documents For The Purpose Of Concealing Bank Frauds Committed By Bank Officials, False Bank Statements, Non-Existence Of A Legal Financial Contract, Deceptions, Defamation, Abuse Of False Rights, Violation Of Company Secrecy And Confidentiality, Violation Of Personal Data Rights And Protections, Money Laundering,
Abusing Illegal Behaviour In Order To Extort Confidential Information, Abuse Of Legal Right And Of Process By Deceiving Law Interpretation For Their Own Benefit, Extortion Of Confidential Information By Blackmail, Threat, False Declaration And Embezzlement Of Funds; Extortion Of Confidential Information On The Purpose Of Spying For Some Foreign Entities Including Terrorist Ones; Criminal Behaviour On The Purpose To Hide The Criminal Activities Of Some Of Their Clients By Diverting The Attention Of Authorities; Financial Service To Divert Sanctions;
Frauds By Csob's Responsible People By Mentioning A False Address In Czech Republic In Order To Hide Their Fraud Of Opening A Non Authorized Personal Bank Account;
Frauds By Csob's Responsible People By Having Opened A Personal Bank Account For A Non Czech Citizen/ Resident;
Frauds By Csob's Responsible People By Not Having Warned The Client Of Their Fraudulent Behaviour;
Misappropriation Of Personal Funds In Amounts Of 68.475,84 €uros And 17.320,62 Czk
For which I ask, for me, about the sufferings I suffered as well in my private life as in my professional ones, this as well physically as morally as materially, including the missed opportunities and the incurred risks, and for my companies which have been affected, at least € 20,000,000 (twenty million euros) as damages claims.
The Specific Additional Criminal Case Of Complicity By Jiri Kala- Zoran Stamatovski.
Zoran Stamatovski, born in June 1958, residing at Prisojna Ulica, 1, 1270 Litija, Slovenia,
working as “secretary” at “Foreign Direct Investment Promotion Department” at SPIRIT Slovenia Business Development Agency, Verovškova 60, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia,
Jiri Kala, born 10.06.1993 at Brno, Cz ID 214779054, residing at Nádražní 924, Veverská Bítýška 66471, Czech Republic.
At the beginning of 2024, the Slovene Zoran Stamatovski, introduced to me the Czech Jiri Kala, with whom I signed a POA the 12th of January 2024 at the Czech Embassy in Ljubljana, to represent me in order to try to solve the CSOB criminal case by a settlement out of court.
Jiri Kala had the contractual duty first, to get my own money back, and second, to negotiate the compensations for all my damages. Of course, he had to keep me informed on time, step by step, about the terms of a possible deal, this, in order to give my final approval, or refusal.
His first task would have been easy and simple to perform since I'm fully in my right, and CSOB's people's acts are entirely unlawful. Already for my own money which has been embezzled and is used by CSOB's responsible people as blackmail to silent me, it is obvious that I have not to pay from my pocket to get it back, to make apply my rights according to the Law. I'm the victim of multiple criminal offences, I have the law for me and on my side, and any lawyer or representative of my interests would act so on my behalf, by threatening CSOB's people of heavy civil and criminal lawsuits, with in addition, the point to file an official request of guarantee of funds, according to the European and Czech laws which have a limit of € 100,000 for each bank account, so by the Czech state, via its Czech National Bank (CNB) - Česká Národní Banka, Na Příkopě 864/28 115 03 Praha 1.
Strangely, Jiri Kala, despite he claimed to be in touch with a lawyer to help him to solve the case, never mentioned this legal way to use in order to force CSOB to give back my money...
Indeed, the couple Jiri Kala and Zoran Stamatovski played a dishonest game against me for the sole CSOB's responsible people's benefits, and theirs, of course...
The 13th of March 2024, having still no news after 2 months, from any of both clowns, I contacted them via email, expressing the formal notice that, since I have been informed of nothing after all this time, I revoked the POA for failure and lack of respect of Jiri Kala's contractual duties.
Strangely, both replied by saying, or rather claiming, that “MY problem” was already solved and I had to thank them for this !
First, it was rather the CSOB's people's “problem” since they are the authors of the criminal offences I'm suffering, and second, both stooges took care of giving me none information on the undertaken "solving", as already its terms, since I would have to approve them above all.
A lack expressing that, either the supposed solved problem is null and void, either it was not really done.
So, on the one hand the two stooges were lying, and on the other hand, they were cheating on me for CSOB's interests..
Whatever, Jiri Kala and Zoran Stamatovski dared to claim having solved “MY” problem, while, anyway, I never received any money from CSOB, even not my own one they embezzled.
So, the same day, the 13th of March 2024 at 13:24, Jiri Kala, officially, with behind the curtain his stooge pulling the stings, Zoran Stamatovski, started their abusive illegal, fraudulent and villainous request under blackmail, strangely of the same kind of the one made by CSOB's people, with this email :
“Been doing all the best with the cooperation of my lawyer and there is already a confirmation from a bank, that you can get your money back, I have an appointment at Prague 5 next week on 21st of March. If I will sign a documents with my layer, your money can be back on your account probably in a week after. I expect from us to create an agreement between you, me and Zoran. After all I expect 10,000 EURO for me and 10,000 EURO for Zoran for our services in the case your money will be back again on your account. We are sure that is fair after all the time we have spent on your case, including travels, lawyer and other costs etc… I can prepare the contract or you can send me the draft of the contract. Very much looking forward for your answer and finally to finish this case.”
So, Jiri Kala did confirm his hidden complicity with Zoran Stamatovski, as well the betrayal of his duties related to the POA which was edited, signed and agreed by him for the defence of my sole interests.
Thus, Jiri Kala and Zoran Stamatovski did demonstrate their vicious deceitful plan of a deliberate breach of trust by using blackmail in the aim to extort from me, both, officially "some" money, and unofficially, an occult agreement about which I even would not know the terms, for the exclusive benefit of CSOB's responsible people, in order to cover their multiple criminal offences.
This fact put Jiri Kala and Zoran Stamatovski in the situation of complicity with CSOB's people's criminal offences via a false agreement on my behalf, against my interests.
And about their supposed commission, aside the point that any payment would be a tax fraud by each of them since they are not professionals, we never agreed any amount, any percentage of any payment, and let alone for the situation to get my own money back since, being in my right, I don't need to have to pay to make apply the law.
While the Jiri Kala's first task would have been an easy and basic one by using just the law to force CSOB's people to give back the money they stole from me, his second task was the negotiation of my damages, about which he would have had a commission on its success. But as Jiri Kala and Zoran Stamatovski did play for CSOB's benefits, they did not want to go in this way, and sabotaged it on purpose.
Of course, as a real Man, I refused their blackmail, but Jiri Kala and Zoran Stamatovski harassed me by insisting to make me believe that it was for my interests, and that it would be a pity of not finalizing this. And I still did not know the terms, nor the name of the CSOB representative they were in touch with.
So, from this point, Jiri Kala and Zoran Stamatovski have been officially enrolled as part of the CSOB international criminal case.
In no way, a normal person (meaning not crook) would ask for money under a conditional manner of blackmail after having signed a contract in which is mentioned a duty under trust, as the POA that Jiri Kala accepted to perform.
By his persisting villainous behaviour, Jiri Kala showed officially a deliberated will of breach of contract by a lack of respect of his duty towards me, in addition to be under a hidden betrayal.
Worse, because I refused to comply with his blackmail, and despite that everything was almost done, Jiri Kala chose in full awareness, of doing nothing to make get my own money back.
By this last point, Jiri Kala ratified officially the real felony of his blackmail.
So, he owes me damages about, at least, € 150,000.
And as Zoran Stamatovski is in a worse situation since in the one hand, he is part of the scam and the blackmail, and on the other hand, he is in a hidden position, being in a double illegal status as well regarding Slovene Tax law as regarding his job of civil servant he uses for his personal benefit, he can be associated to the damages that both caused to me, on purpose...
To finish, the 27th of March 2024, I notified by email CSOB's people of the fraud of abusive use made by Jiri Kala according to the POA and to its terms in matter of his duties, expressing the conditional revocation.
Strangely, the very same day, and despite after 2 weeks of harassing blackmail by Jiri Kala and Zoran Stamatovski to make me accept their terms of extortion, Jiri Kala informed me that he wanted to give me the POA back, as, I suppose, a kind of cancellation...
And so, there would not be any collaboration, any partnership between the couple Jiri Kala/Zoran Stamatovski and CSOB's responsible people ?!
For those who would still be in doubt about this last point of treason, in order to express their dirty greedy mentality with no morals, no ethics, no shame, no dignity, no respect, no honor, it is important to know that both are spies, and that especially Zoran Stamatovski is a double-agent, being a mole, an informant, betraying his own country...